Wednesday, October 25, 2006

From the Book Shelf...

Before John Piper ever wrote his The Swans Are Not Silent series or even preached any of the corresponding sermons, another preacher popularized the biographical sermons. He has been called one of the most prolific and influential Christian writers of the last century, but unfortunately most young preachers have never heard of him or his most famous series of sermons. One editorial explains: "Frank William Boreham was born in Turnbridge Wells, England, and educated at Spurgeon's Pastors College in London. Drawn to the ministry by F. B. Meyer, Boreham pastored in New Zealand, Tasmania, and Australia. In his later ministry he spoke to cast congregations throughout the English-speaking world. The five-volume 'Great Text Series' began as Sunday evening sermons that attracted so many listeners with their unconventional approach that the series continued for some 125 Sunday evenings. Boreham became on of the century's most prolific and well-known religious writers, publishing more than fifty books and hundreds of newspaper and magazine articles."

I bought F. W. Boreham's Life's Verses series (five volumes of biographical sermons) in college when I learned that Ravi Zacharias, Warren Wiersbe, and Mrs. Billy Graham all boast of F.W. Boreham as their favorite author. It was thoroughly worth it. Last month I read biographies of Hugh Latimer, Walter Scott, Thomas Chalmers, and John Bunyan, to name a few. What inspiration! Each sermon/essay is about 13 pages, so it's possible to read one sermon in a sitting. Boreham's writing is creative, poetic, simple, and unforgettable. Buy any of his books you find.
I also recommend Boreham's autobiography, A Pathway of Roses.


Matthew LaPine said...

Zach, thanks for the recommendation!

Geoff Pound said...

The Official F W Boreham Blog site is another source of Boreham information, including some news about the publication of new Boreham books. Good to hear your recommendations. Unfortunately most of the Boreham books are out of print. Michael Dalton and I are working hard to bring them cheaply to new readers.