If our conversion is basically understood to be something we do ourselves instead of something God does in us, then we misunderstood it. Conversion certainly includes our action--we must make a sincere commitment, a self conscious decision. Even so, conversion is much more than that. Scripture is clear in teaching that we are not all journeying to God, some having found the way, while others are still looking. Instead, it presents us as needing to have our hearts replaced, our minds transformed, our spirits given life. None of this we can do. We can make a commitment, but we must be saved. The change each human needs, regardless of how we may outwardly appear, is so radical, so near the root of us, that only God can do it. We need God to convert us.
From Nine Marks of a Healthy Church, by Mark Dever
Zach, we talked earlier about the journey metaphor... what do you think of what Dever says?
I totally agree with what he's saying. The only element of the common journey metaphor that I find helpful is the reminder to live in the real world. To quote a philosopher, we need to define life backwards but live it forwards. It is too easy to define life, but never live it, if you know what I mean.
Did you have any other thoughts you were probing for?
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