On a Christless Christianity; what's your take on this?
Rosenbladt: And I think the way that works out in the lives of most Christians is that they hear the gospel at the time of their conversion. I heard a sermon illustration not long ago, "Oh, justification, that's like the wedding. Now we're talking about married life. So let's move on now and talk about the Christian life, and that's like the marriage."
Horton: So when you became a Christian you heard the gospel. Now that you are a Christian, guess what, for the next fifty years you are going to hear about what you need to do in order to...
Riddlebarger: And you don't need to hear the gospel, because you are already a convert.
Horton: That's where it gets assumed.
I listen to the Inn weekly, though not until Monday or Tuesday during the commute to work. Plus, I'm local...
We actually played that episode at our church for an evening service. Thought it engendered a great discussion. Carson makes a similar point in his talk entitled "What is the gospel?" at the inaugural Gospel Coalition conference. It seems that we have created a body of people in the church who have not truly grasped the concept of the gospel and thus look to their method to find the answer. Thus, the method informs the message as opposed to the message informing the various methods. This may be one small part of the discussion relating to worship/child rearing, etc. Like Lovelace states in his book (Dynamics of Spiritual Life), we need a revival in the midst of God's people where the gospel is restored to the center of faith and practice and not left to the periphery.
You played a white horse inn episode at church?!!! wow.
Doug, you live here in Ankeny? Would I have met you? What church are you a member of? shoot me an email at enipal1@gmail.com if you get a chance!
- Matt
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