
Relativism kills protest and passion...When we resist apartheid in South Africa (or in North America, for that matter), we are being dogmatic. When we insist that everyone is created in the image of God, that is a dogmatic doctrinal assertion, a theological statement of faith. That one doctrinal absolute defines the value of such causes as the pro-life stuggle, the resolve to decrease homelessness, and so on. Without dogmatism, slavery would still be an American and British institution. Slavery worked; it helped prosper the national economy. But it was wrong. Without the dogmatism of Rosa Parks, the black woman who refused to sit in the back of the bus, and the dogmatism of the marchers in Selma, Alabama, who, in 1965 dared to contradict the government's and soceity's status quo, in spite of being attacked by two hundred state police with tear gas, nightsticks, and whips--were it not for such dogmatism, injustices like this would persist to this day...Those modern relativists who insist dogmatically on justice or truth are using borrowed capital of a Christian past.
Made In America, pg. 162
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