I'm not sure that I have read a book recently that has so profoundly moved me. I'm only 70 pages in, but have highlighted at least once on every page. This is proof for any reflective person that there's someone out there that understands you, but more, challenges you to act.
The Myth of Certainty, Daniel Taylor
Brother thank-you for your blog and love for God. Continue to proclaim with boldness and confidence the truth of God's promises and let the word of God give you certainty of these things. Genesis 15:13; Acts 2:36; Romans 4:20-22; Hebrews 11:1. Perhaps we should let our Philosophy submit to the Word of God. Blessings!
your bro in Christ,
people won't lay down their lives for Christ, if he's a question mark. Let us be men of humilty and deep conviction.
Stephen, thank you for your comments. I'm assuming that this comment is directed toward the title of this book: "Perhaps we should let our Philosophy submit to the Word of God."
I do have a question for you, have you read any of the book or heard anything about it?
Your post script comment is precisely what the book is about, it encourages people to lay down their lives for something they believe with deep conviction. It encourages people to have deep conviction.
As to your post script, I couldn't agree more, "Let us be men of humility and deep conviction!"
For the gospel,
Hey Matt!
Thanks for your quick and gracious reply.
As to your question of reading the book. I have read the majority of the book about a year ago.
However, my point was not clear enough and I apologize. What I am concerned about is the idea of certainty being a myth. Which is his major attempt in the book. I commend his purpose (i.e. to comfort people who may struggle with doubt). But I believe he is forming an belief on certainty that is not formed in scripture but rather from philosophers from the enlightenment.
This could be a very long discussion and I don't know if you even have the time to get into to it. I don't even know if I do :-) But I would love to recommend to you some authors who speak on this topic. Cornelius Van Til and Greg Bahnsen. If you are curious and wonder what books specifically I would be glad to help. But I am sure these guys would be able to more clearly present what I would argue for.
Blessings to you Matt and I hope you are learning and growing!
your bro in Christ,
Stephen, thanks for the post. I understand better now. I certainly will check out your recommendations. I bought a copy of Van Til's apologetic of the Christian faith recently so I'll start there. At this point in time I'm not sure I understand the tension between what Taylor is saying and a presuppositional apologetic. The question of whether we can know things and the question about the question of whether I feel certain that I know what I know seem to be two separate questions. But that's a much longer discussion and like you, I don't have the time to blog about it. But I will have time to read and investigate it over the next few months.
Specifically what from Bahnsen and Van Til would you recommend.
Again, appreciate the sharpening.
for the gospel,
I don't know how advanced you are in philosophy and apologetics but I really enjoyed for a prep. in Presuppositional Apologetics "Always Ready" by Greg Bahnsen.
Van Til's book that you have is amazing from what I hear. But I personally have not read it. However, I also hear that his book is fairly advanced and difficult.
I hope that helps a little. I would love for you to write a book review whenever you finish the book and hear your thoughts. If you get the chance to get to it.
I plan on starting Van Til's book in January '09. Blessings to you in your studies! I am really encouraged to see people out of college continuing in growing in wisdom and knowledge of our LORD and Savior!
your bro in Christ,
A seminary professor at DTS gave this to me, and it was extremely helpful to me. I think I actually liked the second half even more than the first.
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