Monday, October 15, 2007

Demand #17, Humble Yourself in Christlikeness

John Piper's journal entry for December 6, 1988:
Is not the most effective way of bridling my delight in being made much of, to focus on making much of God? Self-denial and crucifixion of the flesh are essential, but O how easy it is to be made much of even for my self denial! How shall this insidious motive of pleasure in being made much of be broken except through bending all my faculties to delight in the pleasure of making much of God! Christian Hedonism is the final solution. It is deeper than death to self. You have to go down deeper into the grave of the flesh to find the truly freeing stream of miracle water that ravishes you with the taste of God's glory. Only in that speechless all-satisfying admiration is the end of self."

from What Jesus Demands from the World, pg. 136-137 by John Piper

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