Friday, January 30, 2009

Tim Challies "iPology"

It's really true that some make Macs sound like they will solve all their problems and end world hunger. The truth is probably a little more like 'they put out a pretty good product.' Tim Challies offers his confession from being a mac 'hater' to a 'user'.


What I've come to realize is that I don't dislike Apple computers. No, I just dislike the people who use them! I'll grant that there are some exceptions, some people who are humble Mac users. But far too often I've come across these Mac apologists, the kind who feel the need to disparage all things Microsoft and to boast in their own superiority. They are the ones who make you feel like you're missing out, like you'd be so much better and more popular if you'd just become part of the in-crowd. I've never wanted to be part of that crowd. All along I've allowed the people to influence my perception of the product. Shame on me.

So I offer this brief article as my ipology to all of those humbly orthodox Mac users whom I've ever mocked or belittled or persecuted because of their choice in computers (you know who you are!). I admit it now: Apple really does do things well. I guess you were right all along. I was wrong. And I ipologize.

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