Then, this morning I was talking on the phone to a neighbor who goes to the Christian Reformed church here in town. She's really searching God's Word and starting to question her church doctrine. She said, "Amy, I think I need to talk to you sometime about baptism. I was baptized as a baby, but I think I need to be baptized again. " We had a good talk about covenant theology, baptism, etc. She's in a difficult position because, in order to switch to a different church, her husband would also have to change what he believes on some things. She is concerned about raising her kids to practice exactly what the Bible says. I do not know what will become of this, but I was encouraged to think that I have been given the opportunity to think through the practical implications of Bible doctrine and to live like I believe. How refreshing and freeing to be able to attend a church that teaches what I believe. And, for today, I'm glad Heather knew that I attended a "baptist" church because she knew who to come to when she had questions. She trusted I would search the Scriptures with her to help her come to the truth. Praise God.
Dr. Schmidt talked about something this morning. He said "there are no non-essentials in scripture." His point was when we make everything "non-essential" we are talking short hand. What we really mean is, this issue may not be clear so I may disagree with you and it's uncertain that we'll know who is right so I will call this non-essential to fellowship. When I forget that step I tend to act like there are multiple interpretations for scripture. Really there is only one. But in fellowship with others I may make some issues non-essential to fellowship because of a lack of exegetical certainty. I hope we remember that the scripture does say something, even if we maintain a healthy level of uncertainty on certain interpretations.
correction - change the bolded everything to "things"
I think I changed my thought midsentance...
I think that pertains to labels...
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